Technology Leadership: Assessing the Competency Level of High School Administrators and Teachers in the Use of ICTs


  • Mary Rose Gemma Rodriguez



Abstract Views: 313

Information  and  communication  technologies  (ICTs)  have  a significant  role  to  play  in  schools  and  classrooms.  The  world  is shifting towards a new digital era and school administrators and teachers  must  adapt  to  prepare  their  students  for  it.  This  study aimed to assess the ICT competency of high school administrators and teachers in Antique, Philippines in terms of cognitive ability, skills,   and   attitudes.   The   results   showed   that   both   school administrators   and   teachers   rated   themselves   to   have   high proficiency in general computer uses and skills in using Microsoft Office  and  other  productivity  tools,  use  of  the  internet  and  data management.  They  were  also  rated  to  have  high  proficiency  in applying   ICTs   in   classrooms   to   create   an   ICT   learning environment.  However,  the  standard  deviation  shows  that  the ratings   were   varied,   particularly   for   use   of   internet,   data management, and application of ICTs in classrooms. There were no  significant  correlations  between  the  proficiency  of  school administrator  and  teachers.  However,  sex,  age,  owned  devices, internet speed, and hours using the internet per day were found to be significant factors.


ict competency, ict proficiency, school administrators, high school teachers


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How to Cite

Gemma Rodriguez, M. R. (2022). Technology Leadership: Assessing the Competency Level of High School Administrators and Teachers in the Use of ICTs. Journal of Educational Management and Social Sciences, 1(1), 1–13.


